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Old 06-13-2005, 02:05 PM
Zetack Zetack is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 656
Default I noticed how the poker world has changed--My trip to the bookstore

Ok, this isn't a news flash to anyone or anything, but my, how things have changed!

So Saturday after dinner with my Fiance, we had about an hour to kill before Star Wars started and I remembered that I wanted Harrington on Hold'em and I had a Barnes and Nobles gift card in my wallet so we wandered over to Barnes & Nobles.

They have a whole poker section!!! I remember two years ago when I decided I wanted to learn something about poker so I would enjoy the WPT more I went to B&N and it took me about fifteen minutes to find the poker books at all. (Some might say that I'm still at the level I was at just after reading the copy of Poker for Dummies I bought that day...)

Pretty cool.

I did get annoyed when I had trouble spotting HOH. It turns out they did have one solitary copy, although not shelved in any way that would let somebody actually find it without looking at the spine of everydamn book in the poker section (Hint for anybody else looking--its blue (or is that some shade of purple?)).

Looking at that plethora of books though, I guess I've missed the oportunity to write a poker book as come and gone (not to mention that it would probably be expensive to defend myself after I plagarized the books of people who actually know something about poker...)

I wonder if I'll be just as amazed two years from now at where poker has gone by then...

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