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Old 06-13-2005, 01:04 AM
Sidekick Sidekick is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 225
Default Re: Losing streak, or have I gotten worse?

The reason you are getting all the snarky responses is because this topic comes up so frequently that the older posters often get tired of seeing it. As you appear new to the forum I will cut you some slack and answer you as best I can.

Your sample size is FAR too small to draw any conclusions from. Very good winning players can have runs of 500+ SNGs where they lose money. It is perfectly normal to have runs where you drop 20+ buy ins. That is why you have a nice comfortable bank roll for the level at which you play, so that when these runs hit you it should not affect your game because you are worried about losing your last 2 buy ins.

Variance will happen to you. Pretty much every day, every week and every month that you play. Be prepared to deal with it or choose another hobby/sport for your free time.

Having your first set of 500+ SNGs generate a profit doesn't prove that you are a winning player. Depending on how high your ROI is, it can be a good indicator that you are a winning player, but it is just too small a sample size.

Don't worry about how much you are winning and losing per session (even though it can be very hard to ignore when you are starting out...). Worry about how you are playing. Take any hands that you find questionable (though please don't post bad beats, people will really jump down your throat for that) and post them on these forums and politely ask for advice and opinions on how to play this hand.

When posting hands for review, try to include all the information that you had at the time such as: buy in, how tight/loose other players in the hand were, blinds, chip stacks, etc. It also seems to help in some cases if you use bisonbison's hand converter if the site that you play is supported.

Hope this answers your question and helps you some.

This is really one of the better forums and the people are very helpful and friendly as a rule, but sometimes they snap at people for posting questions that are seen multiple times a day.

It also helps to develop a thick skin. It will help you when you are playing and when sometimes folks are harsh in the critiques of your hands. But harsh or not, listen to the advice given with an open mind.

Welcome to the forums.
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