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Old 06-12-2005, 02:51 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Pump you Up (Pushups)

...but other guys who couldn't do nearly as many push-ups or dips as I could were still able to easily benchpress more than I could.

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Yeah, the low-intensity bodyweight exercises like normal pushups/pullups will not provide significant strength (unless performed with ENORMOUS explosiveness.) For example, when I could do 35 normal pullups I couldn't come close to beginning a one-arm pullup.

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Yeah, definitely.

I was looking over some links for that site and saw the page on "The Naked Warrior." The guy is talking about using one-armed push-ups and one-legged knee-bends/squats as your primary strength builders.

I used to do one-legged deep knee bends and they definitely are good exercises. They're definitely another one of those that surprisingly strong guys sometimes can't do. They tense your legs deep inside really close to the bone, in a way that regular squats don't do so much -- I guess because a lot of work is being done to stabilize you as you move, whereas with two legs, simple gravity takes care of a lot of your stabilizing automatically.

All the guys here talking about doing push-ups might want to add one-legged knee-bends in there. They're not the hardest exercise in the world, but do take some balance to do right. Just hang onto a bar or put your hand against a wall for balance while you do them, and you'll be fine. You don't have to do a whole lot of them to get a good work-out.

Consider that doing a one-legged squat is like having a whole other you sitting on your shoulders, but suddenly you have balance issues forcing much more complete tension throughout the leg, and it becomes a more interesting exercise. You don't have to do a lot of them to get a good work-out in.
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