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Old 06-11-2005, 07:47 PM
Cornell Fiji Cornell Fiji is offline
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Default Why discourage safety? Dose that get your point across?

My response

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Clark wrote:
So he gets the blame when people listen to only *part* of what his policy was? If they listened to the whole policy, both no condoms and abstinence outside of marriage, many of the issues you refer to wouldn't exist.

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If we are assuming abstinance then why does the Church feel the need to discourage condom use? If we are assuming abstinance then the use of condoms should not need to be addressed.

Clark also wrote:
I'm not sure what "(in) practice, not theory" means. You blame him by suggesting that people 100% listen to his condom policy while ignoring that all those you refer too somehow 100% ignored his abstinence until marriage policy.

The blame goes 0% to the Pope and his teachings and 100% to those who incompletely follow them.

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Wait, can we infer that the Church actually believes that people are going to stop having sex NOW because the Pope says so?

I do feel that the Church deserves some degree of blame for the overall spread of AIDS.

Imagine for example if for the past 20 years the Church's polocy was the one suggested above in the thread (abstinance, but if you must have sex use protection.) In this scenario would more or less people in the world have AIDS, why?

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