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Old 06-11-2005, 06:10 AM
irishken irishken is offline
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First off I wanna say that I know this is my own fault to play blackjack when tilted and I have also contacted GA.
But I wanna know if I have rights to ask the casino to refund the moneys I lost.

About a week ago I emailed my bookie where I had been playing lot of lately that I have a problem with -ev games and I can tilt badly and lose big money on those and I wanna get my casino account banned so I cant play at their casino( I know this is possible because they did that to my last account on that bookie) and they promised to fix that "today or tomorrow" and tomorrow was 5 days ago. My stakes in poker and sports are pretty big and I used to have lot of money(in normal standards) on my sports account so they must have known that if I tilt and play casino games I will most likely lose big time.

Anyway now yesterday I lost a decent money on their casino on tilt because my account was not banned.

So should I ask to get my moneys back or at least something?

Yes I know I wouldent most likely write this message if I had won on tilt, but I think thats not exactly the point.

Im also going to add link to this thread on email I will write to that bookie.

Edit: Topic changed to more "intresting"..
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