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Old 06-10-2005, 07:07 PM
Stuey Stuey is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 596
Default Re: my drinking problem

ok so, when i drink a lot i get pretty hung over, but i can usually sleep that off. the next day i lose my hangover and my 'head' feels fine, but my joints ake. Knees and elbows have almost a constant sharp pain. what does this mean and is there anything i can take to prevent this?


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The main symptom of Gout is severe pain, more often in the hand, foot, or base of the big toe, but sometimes in the knee or elbow. Within a few hours, the affected joint can swell, get tender, and the pain so great, that the slightest touch is unbearable. The skin around the joint can also get inflamed and a fever is common. Also, lump formations, called tophi, can occur under the skin around the affected area. Gout most often affect males after puberty but women get it usually only after menopause. Women therefore are less likely to be affected then men.

Gout is characterized by high levels of uric acid. When the body produces too much uric acid for the kidney to excrete it, the blood becomes super saturated and needle-like crystals of salts form. When these crystals are caught and form within joints, it can cause severe pain and inflammation. Some environmental conditions can contribute to gout such as over use of alcohol, consumption of purine foods and stress.

Goto the doc you can get pills to take that fix it fast. Or stop drinking so much, long term you are going to damage your gallbladder at the very least.
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