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Old 06-10-2005, 03:35 PM
flair1239 flair1239 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 343
Default Re: State of the Forum


There is another thing that I'm guilty of and that many others are too. We're not elaborating our thoughts enough. We say "easiest value bet ever" or "clearest fold ever" or "standard" or "idiot" and don't say why. We should be. And we should especially not be making posts like this in a thread if we're the fifteenth person to do so. There's no point.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have complained about this many times. I have also been semi-flamed for pointing it out.

The logic of the people who do this is that the short answers encourage people to think "why". But in reality most of the time it is just arrogant bulls**t posturing. I don't even really like it whe Clarkmeister does it.

I think a hand posting template would go a long way. It could have a section for explaing each action, reads, thoughts..etc.

That would give newer posters something to work with, and also prevent more established posters from having the "It is right because I did it" attitude.