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Old 06-10-2005, 01:29 PM
tbach24 tbach24 is offline
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Default Re: What to get chick for birthday?

The answer is as in lots of situations: it depends.

How much the girl will care (this one is like a hill, there's a top to how much she should care, but if she does too much, you shouldn't be friends with her because she is too needy)

What other people are getting her (find a couple people on the same level of friendship as her and get her something >/= them).

That said, girls are fickle and she'll probably like something retarded more than what you get her, so you're bound to mess up.

Maybe a cool tshirt would be good.

If not a t-shirt, get her a good CD. What are her musical interests? The best part is you could give her like 5 burnt CDs or something like that.
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