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Old 06-09-2005, 08:56 PM
LLKOOLK1 LLKOOLK1 is offline
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Default Re: Where are the great plays at the WSOP?

I agree with Paul here as well. The good players at this level do not make money by making superhero like plays and amazing ace high calls on the river. They make money by making the right decison time after time and saving bets for when they can press a small edge.
I watched Skalansky, Min Ngyuen, Phillips and others playing 300-600 HOSE at the Rio, after watching for about an hour it was pretty obvious why these players were the best in the world. They play correctly and dont get caught up with making heroic plays. Their reads are dead on and they trust those reads and play accordingly. Iwas far more entertained watching this level of play. The best poker in the world is not WPT final table all in checknraise with a gutshot straight draw, its playing the game correctly in your own style, for a period of time that shows long term profit.
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