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Old 05-20-2003, 01:01 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Democrats Balanced Budget Rhetoric

Well first off when I say 'all manner of things' I am not saying you are dissatisfied with all things, but rather I am trying to refer to a broad spectrum of things with which you may be dissatisfied. I'm certainly not saying you are dissatisfied with all things.

What would make you think we aren't interested in a democracy in Iraq? I think we are; we just don't want one comprised of Islamist fanatics or internal-security-apparatus terror-masters who would be likely to abuse and probably ruin any nascent democracy.

Noam Chomsky is a shining example of the philosophy of the blame America First Crowd. Never mind that the USSR and China slaughtered scores of millions more than the US ever did; compare America instead to some lofty imaginary ideals that were never practically unattainable, instead of comparing America to other world behemoths. All had to operate in the same imperfect world...and did so imperfectly. Yet the overall legacies of terror and slaughter by the communist giants were far, far greater than America's in total. However Chomsky prefers to blame America for most of the world's ills and directs his venom as if there is something inherently evil about America or the American people or the American system. Chomsky also even went so far as to cheer on the North Vietnamese communists (who after the fall of South Vietnam revealed their true nature as cold-blooded killers in both South Vietnam and in the massive killing fields of Cambodia).

Chomsky too made 9/11 sound as if America was to blame for bringing the attack on itself, when in fact al Qaeda are unappeasable fanatical religious militants. The only thing that will truly appease al Qaeda is the conversion of the entire world to their version of hard-line Islam.
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