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Old 05-19-2003, 11:15 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: Democrats Balanced Budget Rhetoric

"I get the sense that many of your dissatisfactions with all manner of things (including the USA and politics in general) stem from their inabilities to live up to idealistic perfections. I guess that's just the way the world works. I greatly wish it were otherwise too, but it isn't, and Iraq isn't going to be completely liberated, reconstructed or democratized overnight. And its democracy probably isn't ever going to be perfect (and I guess the Blame America First crowd can always carp about that too)."

-I don't think I'm dissastisfied with all manner of things. I'm definitely a bit more curmudgeonly in my dotage (I'm 50) than I was in my youth; but I'm certainly not a perfectionist. Political bull does rile me though. If anything, I'm more keen to it when it comes from the left (thus my many posts criticizing the Dems, both current and from the recent past) because I expect more from those with whom I am close to on the political spectrum. Don't tell me we're interested in a democracy when we're not. Don't tell me you're in favor of considering a bailout for the airlines when your wife is their number one lobbyist.

But hell, you might be right about me. It's easier for others to see what one is about then oneself, no doubt about it.

The one thing I definitely disagree with is the "Blame America First" crowd. I see a don't blame America at all ever crowd, but I don't see a blame America first crowd. Who would you characterize as a charter member of the blame America first crowd?
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