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Old 06-09-2005, 12:14 AM
bolgenmod bolgenmod is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 26
Default Re: Suggested Reading for Me

If you've never read any poker book before and you want to concentrate on hold em, you might begin with Getting Started in Hold em by our own Ed Miller. It's a great read, and it will point you to other books. Even if you've been playing for 20 years, it still can be helpful.

For no-limit tournaments, Harrington on Hold Em rocks. Volume 2 has just been published, so it should be in the bookstores soon.

As Deacsoft pointed out, TOP is key, but it's not a beginner's text, even if you do know about pot odds and such. Read some other books first.

And you might want to try lurking/posting in the Books Forum. One warning: people there are pretty sick of general "what should I read" posts, since it seems that every day someone posts this vague question. Look back at the threads already posted first. (Not that people are trying to be d1cks -- only a few of us are -- but people do get tired of answering the same question every 3 days!)

When I first started lurking, I spent some time each day reading old threads on every forum that I was interested in. Lots of great information there. And not only will you not get flamed for asking a question that's been asked a million times, but you'll actually get helpful answers.

One final thought: when I started reading poker books, I'd go to my local bookstore and start reading stuff there to see what really was going to be helpful to me, as opposed to what 2+2 posters or Amazon reviewers said was good. That was 2 years ago -- these days there are a lot more poker books at even the smaller bookstores, so there's lots more to look at.

Good luck.
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