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Old 06-08-2005, 08:36 PM
bodie bodie is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: california
Posts: 43
Default Re: loose live games

"5-6 players preflop with all sorts of junk. "

That's what I mean - if you take a chance with odd things like pairs or high suited connectors (with good low backup)against players like that just to see the flop, it can be surprising how often they will connect with the board. And if you do know the game, you will fold if there's no match rather than chase. It has to be just the right sort of full, loose game to lower my standards, but I began to feel that it was not worthwhile to sit there among players like that just waiting for the perfect premium hand. I'm not talking about chasing with only Q-high flushes or 3rd nut lows - I'm talking about experimenting with *different* hands which, if they connect, cannot be beaten.

"Old, angry, and dirty. "

That cracks me up, and unfortunately it's too true. There are a whole lot of very cranky men, I've taken to saying, "you're just contributing to giving Omaha a bad name" when they start complaining now. All the dealers I know say that Omaha is the worst game because of the cranky players. If it isn't the dealer or the cards, it's the seat they're in or the intercom that's too loud.
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