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Old 06-08-2005, 08:33 AM
tomahawk tomahawk is offline
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Posts: 24
Default Re: Best rock albums since 1990

I have too agree here. Belle and Seb are great, (especially "If your...") but rock?

Same for both Shins albums and all Elliot Smith, although I'm inclined to say that these two last mentions is better than anything a pure rock list can come up with (slightly overstated, but they are THAT good). Madtown, about your Shins discussion, I totally agree. IMO "Chutes.." is just much more exiting and varied, musically and lyrically.

Other than that I'm surprised so few has mentioned The Bends, in this list it really should be way ahead of Kid A. I'm also pretty sure Lateralus, Siamese Dream, RATM and Nevermind should be in there.

Noone feels The Downward Spiral by NiN deserves a mention?
Anyone heard of a Norwegian band called Motorpsycho?
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