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Old 05-17-2003, 02:56 AM
Chris Alger Chris Alger is offline
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Default Re: You\'re talking to an abyss

Jimbo doesn't share the same notions of right and wrong that most of us accepted by age five. Instead of an "argument," he claims that a statement of fact that supports his indefensible preconceptions is "truth." If it doesn't, it's "drivel," period. He evidently thinks the more he throws around "drivel" and "lie," the more persuasive he sounds. Maybe to him, he does.

Remember that this is someone who admits to accepting the following proposition: "the US has a right to "preemptively" invade and conquer a country that has neither attacked nor threatened to attack the US, but the Palestinians have no right to fight an acutal invader." As in: my side gets to kill, the other side gets to die. The morality is self-evident. Period.

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