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Old 05-16-2003, 11:26 PM
Chris Alger Chris Alger is offline
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Default Re: Hardly Anything About This War Was Real

Good report.

There have been so many hoax's and subhoax's from the producers of this war that you need a flow chart to sort it all out: the imminent WMD "threat," the "terrorist training camps," the meeting in Prague, the "Basra uprising," the "undisclosed drone," the faked Nigerian documents.

This one falls into the category of opportunistic propaganda, something enlarged from little to make a shoddy enterprise of mass murder appear heroic. It nicely dovetails with the revelations that the toppling of the statue of Saddam was a staged media event with the elated Iraqis being part of Chalabi's militia of exiles flown in by the Pentagon for the purpose of being filmed celebrating the demise of their "leader." See

I notice that the BBC story has, so far, only been picked up briefly by one mainstream outlet, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (one of two major papers in that town). Ari Fleischer was asked about it at a press conference today and had no comment, denying he had heard the report.

If the story is true, the mainstream media will probably ignore it as well. You have to go to non-corporate sources like Indymedia the Johns Hopkins Newsletter to read about the statue fraud, as the latter noted, accurately: "Without exception the major media outlets endorsed this deceptive narrative. The media's treatment of the story has ensured that it will be one of the most lasting images of the war; the innocent victims of Bush's political agenda will remain invisible."
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