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Old 06-07-2005, 02:02 PM
chopchoi chopchoi is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 378
Default Re: is this another scam?

This guy disgusts me. Whether or not his product is legit, he is defrauding someone (either honest card players, or those who want to cheat them).

I would think that the card rooms would be outraged that someone would tarnish their reputations by claiming they could gain access to their customer's hole cards, so I emailed Party Poker, hoping they would sic their lawyers on this guy. Instead, this is the response I get:

Thank you for contacting Customer Care.

With reference to your e-mail please note that (CheatAtPoker) is a program that
we are closely monitoring, but as of now we have no plans to take action against
users of the same. We cannot, however, be prevented from safeguarding the
integrity of the system and so we may require that players stop using
[CheatAtPoker] or cease any other activity which, in the circumstances, is
deemed to be cheating at any time.

To elaborate on our stand on such softwares/poker applications, please note that
PartyPoker strictly prohibits usage of programs that:

1) Automate playing of the hand in any way
2) Participate in collusion or any other cheating methods
3) Use any information which may provide you with an unfair advantage
through cheating

We detect and block programs that fall in any of the above categories. Usage of
such programs may result in poker account closure and funds forfeiture as per
our Terms and Conditions.

Contact us anytime, we are available around the clock to assist you with your
account related questions and suggestions.


Andrew Hill
Investigations Team

So, it seems they don't even give a sh1t. Well, I do give sh1t. I can't just sit back and watch this guy go around blatantly promoting fraud without doing anything about it. The problem is, I don't have the resources to persue legal action against him. The only think I can think to do is appeal to the readers of this forum, and hope you are as outraged by this as I am. If enough players write Party Poker, and express their outrage that this guy is promoting fraud against them, perhaps they will do something about it.
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