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Old 06-07-2005, 05:23 AM
Mason Malmuth Mason Malmuth is offline
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Default Re: Another Slotboom Misconception

it's your view that tells are just not important, you should have said so in the book

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I have done much writing on this subject in many different books, some of which you claim to have read. So there is no need for me to repeat in detail what I have already stated many times before.

First of all, this passage you refer to that seems to warrant all these big words of yours ...

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And speaking of big words, what about when you write

Mr. Sklansky's comment in the introduction that "making well over $50,000 per year playing $3-6 hold'em is now no big deal" (p. 2). In addition to the obvious question "How would he know - he probably has never played $3-6 in his entire life in a normal casino, let alone by multitabling on the Internet", ...

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Isn't this just a personal attack on our integrity? For your information, when either David, myself, Ed Miller, or any other Two Plus Two author makes a statement like this and it is included in a Two Plus Two book, we have very good reason to believe it's true. If we can't justify a claim, it will not appear in a Two Plus Two book.

Let me be quite specific on this. There are three authors on Small Stakes Hold 'em. All the material in it was reviewed in detail by all three of us. I guarantee that if we didn't all agree on something, it doesn't appear.

All manuscripts that we publish go through a very tough and rigorous review process and nothing gets published unless we are sure that it is very accurate. If you don't believe this, besides Ed Miller, I suggest you talk to either Alan Schoonmaker, Bill Robertie, Dan Harrington, John Feeney, Ray Zee, or Donna Harris.

Again, I would have no problem if you disagree with David and feel that his estimate is too high. But when you throw in the How would he know stuff, I have some real problems. And by the way, both David, myself, and Ed Miller have played $3-$6 games. In fact, I started over 25 years ago playing $1-$2 limit in Gardena, California.

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