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Old 06-06-2005, 06:45 AM
kslghost kslghost is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 20
Default Another College Student Story

Being a 21 year old college student, I've read these posts about college players with great interest. While I do see some possibility of "turning pro" (i.e. I can't find a job in my field my first year out of college), I realize the importance of finishing my college degree.

As for me, I've struggled throughout my years in college primarily due to commitments I've made to student activity groups. I took leadership roles that were nearly the equivalent of full time jobs and my grades and studies have suffered for it.

As for poker, I've spent about 25,000 hands to 50,000 (I really can't guess as I didn't start tracking until about a year ago) playing, but it rarely got in the way of my studies. I do think it has caused a few problems, though one night of playing while studying netted me about 600-700 dollars (3/6).

I think the biggest effect it has had on me is when I've gone through big losing streaks. I lost about 900 dollars in a period of three days playing 2/4, NL$50, and a smattering of 5/10. About 650 of it was at 2/4, which was a devastating loss for such a small number of hands. Given that, my attitude just deteriorated for a week while I recovered (I stopped playing, but I probably should have stopped after losing 200 or so...)

Anyways, I fully intend to finish my degree, but I'm also taking this summer and possibly the next to "try out" a professional lifestyle. Since I still depend on my parents, I've been free to experiment more than anything. I've derived all my bankroll through bonuses and profit, but its definitely a struggle as I've had to cut it in order to make sure my bank account stays at a good level. I'm still stuck at 1/2 despite once having my bankroll above 1500 dollars (then came the big loss causing a drop in limit).

I actually find it discouraging that so many college students are thinking about turning pro. I believe this will make it harder for someone like me to become a person who can survive off of poker because of the fact that so many "smarties" will be joining the fray. I can only hope that most of these college dropouts are as stupid as their decision looks to the rest of us. (Sorry for being mean!)

I'd hope that I'm a bit of a better model of what a college poker player should intend to do. While I'm still far from the 4.0 degree wielding student, I do intend to graduate with at least a 3.0, hopefully more along the lines of a 3.3~3.5 (stupid extra curriculars!!!)
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