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Old 06-05-2005, 03:59 PM
Iq75 Iq75 is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 73
Default Re: What should I read after SSHE?

I have allready read Theory of Poker (TOP). Even if it was a book of general concepts i did find it very usefull.

if ur playing micro limits i dont think the books you want to read will benefit you at the micro tables...stick with SSH and keep rereading it...

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I will keep on rereading SSHE, cause it improves my game so much, but there are 3 different reasons why i wish to read other books on the side.

1) I read poker books maybe 1 - 2 h/ day. Lately i have realised that i can read maybe 1 h/day SSHE whitout losing consentration, cause it can be the 7th time that i read the same chapter. Also i cannot use that time to going thorough my hands or posting this forum, cause the most of that time i'm on my way to work or back. Gettins new books would help me use more of that time reading poker.

2)Someday I intend to go to bigger leves if/when my sample size/win rate allows. so i bet reading more adwanced books would not go in vain.

3) in my level in the tables where i play there are allways maybe 3-4 players who have read books, use PT and probably are better players than i am. Sometimes when everybody else folds i am solely against them (I also fregently come across blind stealin attemps etc.) Whit more advanced books, i seek to get an edge against them.

I inted to play only 10 - max fixed (sometimes i fool around in the really small no-limit games), trying to learn at to play decent at least in one game.
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