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Old 06-05-2005, 01:51 AM
cap11 cap11 is offline
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Default Re: Shreveport, LA area poker rooms

I'm about 45 minutes away from Shreveport, so it is my home base.

I agree that the Hollywood old poker room was flat out terrible. It was cramped, smoky, and the staff wasn't very good at all.

Enter the nice (but somewhat cramped) Horseshoe poker room. They were a large upgrade in every way to the Hollywood. Most of the good dealers from Hollywood moved to the shoe. The Horseshoe room is very much equal to most of the midrange rooms in Vegas.

Due to the competition the Hollywood was forced to upgrade their room. I was somewhat sceptical of them since they were so "rinky dink" before. But I must admit that they now have a very nice room. They have dedicated lots of space to their room, there are probably 20 tables total with lots of room in between the tables.

I would check them both out, as they are both now acceptable. And if you haven't been to Hollywood recently you might want to give them another look. BTW the lowest limit you will find is 4/8, they also have NL starting with a 2/5 game with a 300 max buy in.
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