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Old 06-04-2005, 10:13 PM
BruinEric BruinEric is offline
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Default Re: Neteller Accnt Hacked!!!

We just went thru an exercise on this forum wherein a new poster claimed a poker site closed his account and accused him of fraud.

Several posters immediately declared the story to either be trolling or a cheater who was caught.

Neither of those were true, and according to the thread (and thanks to the support of several less cranky 2+2 posters) the player received answers from Absolute and was found to be clean. His account was reopened and his money returned.

The simple fact is that Neteller and Paypal, etc. account logins are susceptible to thefts just like other monetary management systems.

Hopefully you caught this withdrawal before it completely cleared so Neteller can handle this.

There are a few poker sites HQed in Costa Rica I think -- is it possible you made a big transfer or deposit which you forgot about? Or maybe someone used your computer and found your account number and number code to make a deposit in a poker site under a different account login?

If this is true, That's my best guess...someone got your Neteller numbers, deposited into a poker site for a new username, and dumped the chips to another player.

You probably have to be insanely persistent on this to get anywhere. Because you came here to sound the alarm, you owe it to this forum to update us.
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