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Old 06-04-2005, 01:30 PM
cardspeak cardspeak is offline
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Default Is Party skimming?

I've been playing online since March, use PT and have noticed a near-daily disparity in results. I keep a handwritten record of the results for each table as a double-check of Party and PT. PT will show a given table session as $1 more profit than Party showed it was when I left the table. Not every time, but it's also not the other direction, i.e. PT doesn't show less profit.

This isn't the same as when I've gotten disconnected and lost some data. I just wanted to run this through the zoo and see if others have noticed the same thing. Also, to ask if others double-check their results or just assume PT and Party's records actually sync-up.

Perhaps there's a simple explanation. I'm not trying to start another version of the "party is rigged" thread as I have reasonable confidence in the game itself, but skimming in gambling operations is historically one of the most common corruptions. It would seem a simple matter to program in random snatches of a dollar here and there from pots. How would anyone know? If no one else is seeing this, then perhaps it's some glitch on my system. I hope so, but these little dollars are beginning to add up; I'm down about $100 after three months and I'm only single-tabling. Thanks for any insights.
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