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Old 06-04-2005, 01:10 PM
mason55 mason55 is offline
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Default Re: Nutrition supplements?

Are you trying to lose weight or bulk up? You can only bulk OR cut, you can't really do both effectively at the same time. I would suggest you go for the cutting first if you're overweight as that will make you look much better than adding muscle. However you'll still want to do some weightlifting so that your muscles don't waste away either.

Protein powder/meal replacement bars are good if you're not getting enough protein. If you're trying to lose weight then you're probably eating much more protein than you really need. Replace some of those calories with fat and complex carbs (What is your protein/carb/fat split?) Creatine is good but not necessary if you're trying to lose weight. Once you're happy with where your body fat is at then you can use creatine and all that protein to bulk up, which will cause you to also gain a little fat. Once you bulk up then you go back to weight loss only this time you'll only have a couple % body fat to lose and your muscles won't degenerate that much while you're doing it.
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