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Old 06-04-2005, 01:36 AM
Jakesta Jakesta is offline
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Default Re: Paradise software- worst ever?

Hi Kumobou.

Yes there are some fishahs on paradise, but there are a lot fewer than there used to be. I want fishes that I can bleed dry, and there just aren't that many anymore. There are a lot more rocks it seems.

I tried the order food feature and I saw no animation or graphics or anything.

As for the slowrolling comment and "muck losing hands", I don't know what you're talking about. Can you elaborate? I'm clueless about what these things mean.


PS- One benefit of Paradise is that the players are much easier to read. When an LPP bets out the turn with a board of A245, I can confidently muck my AQ because I know he has the 3. And I don't feel bad about it either. I'm not paying 2 bets to get shown the 3. And I don't listen to anyone who tells me to do that. Sometimes you just have to go with reads.
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