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Old 06-03-2005, 09:55 PM
SamuraiPlatypus SamuraiPlatypus is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 40
Default Re: do you make the call?? stars 1/2NL

i would.
to call that pre-flop raise, he'd have to have something good. high pocket pair, or AK or AQs. AJs maybe. i don't think he calls with J10s

after the flop, if he has JJ, he folds to your bet, i think. He has to know you hit something on that flop, based on your pre-flop bet, and even if he hits his jack, he has to think you flopped a higher set. That leaves him with 4 outs in the deck, and he doesn't have pot odds to call that bet. He'll call that bet with any of the other possible hands, though he might raise with KK as he might have put you on QQ.

on the turn, the 10 comes down. that can't help him unless he called with the JJ or he had the AJ. when he raises, you need to push.

when he goes all-in on the river, i think its because he sensed weakness when you called the raise. of course, he could still have AJs, but you're ahead of everything else. I'd call.
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