Thread: 5/10 Party QQ
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Old 06-03-2005, 11:53 AM
JeffM JeffM is offline
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Default Re: 5/10 Party QQ

If you read my first post, I did state stack sizes, I say that I had about 1k and the villian had the same. That aside I am a thinking player and I consider all options before making my decision on any given play. I generize in my posts b/c i do not want them to be novels. The reason I checked the flop is b/c all hands that I would beat such as 1010, AK, AQ AJ, 99 would make a continuation bet if I checked, but would not necessarily call if I bet. Hands that would call if I bet would be mostly hands that had me in bad shape such as KK, AA, JJ. Check raising is the best way to get money in while i'm both ahead and behind, while betting out would only get money in (from my opponent) when I am behind. When the third diamond hits I felt like a push was the best move b/c this puts him on the defensive and makes a nearly impossible call with even aces or kings. If he had the other two queens he has to fold as well. This narrows his range of hands that he can call with to essentially JJ or 1010 or a flush. If I check I am essentially giving him this substantial pot b/c he will move in with most any of these holdings and I cannot call. If we were deeper, then I could play this pot more passively, but when there is as much in the middle as there is left in my stack, I have a real problem just giving up. His flat call of my CR on the flop leads me to believe that he is not in love with his hand. If he had a monster he would have pushed over the top of me right there.
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