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Old 06-03-2005, 08:31 AM
midas midas is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 79
Default Party IPO - The Smartest Poker Players in History?

Although I have not seen the prospectus, I'm assumming the founders of Party will be billionaires on paper and possibly in cash after the IPO.

A few questions for the masses:

1. Are these guys the smartest players in poker history? I say yes - they are selling poker to the masses rather than playing.

2. How many of the big guns in poker would trader their bracelets and poker fame to be a founder of Party? I'll bet every one of the WSOP winners would trade their bracelets for a cool billion.

3. Did these guys get a little lucky? I mean without the tiny cameras and the poker explosion is the Company that successful or was Party and the other competitors the catalyst for the boom in poker.
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