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Old 06-03-2005, 01:46 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: Pruning, pruning, pruning

Dynasty -

First - congrats on your new moderator privleges. Giving some trusted 2+2'ers this power to help ease the massive responsibility mat undertakes is something I have been advocating for awhile.

2nd - I echo the thoughts of stopping the insult-barrage when it gets personal or inappropriate. Especially when a big-name player comes to the forums.

Examples - We shouldn't have to tolerate the idiotic crap that some people are so rude to post about Greg Raymer. He's a good guy who continues to post some of his opinions here as the world-freaking-champion. Some of the insults that he has received...particularly in the discussions of the 'Bellagio incident' are not contributing anything and are completely rude and appalling.

As I recall, I believe that some nasty stuff has been said about female players such as Annie Duke and Jennifer Harmon before that have zero poker value.
I know that we are mostly men here....but seriously, if I want to read about Annie Duke and whether 2+2'ers think she is a good player or not I don't think we need to allow the "I'd do her in the pooper" comments to stay in the thread.
They don't accomplish anything and are just offensive.

Yes....there are other comments that others might make that are less offensive and those get to stay up. Big deal. Many of us have said that Hellmuth is a whiner....or that so-and-so if addicted to craps or is a coke-addict or what-not.

This is NOT the same as some of the crap that has been directed at Raymer and Duke.

These are privately owned forums. It's up to S&M and whomever else they choose to decide what THEY deem appropriate. If someone doesn't like it, then tough-cookies, go somewhere else.

You guys DO have the power to get rid of this stuff and all you have to do is say, " crossed the line for what we considered we got rid of it. It's our call. We didn't like it."

To clean up the conversations in this and the other 2+2 forums lets begin by looking at the baseless and offensive personal attacks that are so frequently directed at 'big-name' players like Raymer and Duke.

And then lets go drop a nuclear bomb on the dude pushing all the Jesus threads on us.
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