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Old 06-02-2005, 07:51 AM
MLerra MLerra is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 127
Default Re: How much does Won $ at showdown mean?

I think it entirely depends on the WtSD stat as well - what was that? If that's something like 40%, then he's going to (.42)(.4)=~16% of 160 showdowns, which is about 26 showdowns. So you've got about as good a sample size as you could get.

Personally, I do like to look at WtSD and W$SD to help inform my calling and betting decisions. If WtSD is high (30% or above), I will bet more with my good hands because I know he'll be more likely to stay in. If W$SD is high (65%+), I'm more careful with my bets, and will generally check OOP. If W$SD is low, I'll be more likely to take a slightly less powerful hand all the way.

I actually think your line is decent, though again this depends largely on WtSD as well.
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