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Old 06-01-2005, 10:14 PM
MeanGreenTT MeanGreenTT is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Tampa
Posts: 32
Default Late in Tourney, Final 4, Please Review

This is a $120 Satellite into a $240 NFL Alumni Charity event at the Hard Rock Casino. The last 10 players are all paid and each receives a $240 ticket into the main event.

$2380, $1295, $903 and $665.

This happens during level 13 and I have T46,000. I'm 1st in chips. The vilian is tied for 2nd with about T35,000. There's T145k in play. Blinds are at 2000/4000.

I'm on the Button and it's folded to me with QQ. I raise to T12,000 and the SB folds to the BB. He's a younger player who's aggressive but solid, not wild at all. I haven't seen him get out of line yet but I did just recently stick him for T20,000 catching a Flush on the River when action was checked around twice.

He thinks and thinks and thinks and thinks some more, then finally makes the call.

Flop comes down 3AJ, rainbow and you have him covered by about T10,000.

What do you do if he bets out?

What do you do if he checks?

Please review then read the text below and respond if you care to, thanks!

<font color="white">This was probably the most absolute rookie, asinine move I've ever pulled in my short forray into the poker world, and hence my even shorter experience at the final table and in general, short-handed play.

Since he took so long to call the raise pre-flop and actually almost folded twice, I took him to having an extremely weak holding compared to what he thought I had. He knew I was showing down solid hands and he knew I wasn't on a steal here.

I made a move to show extreme strength in hopes of blowing him off his hand and all this is going through my mind before the dealer has a chance to table the Flop. And before he can, I fire off 35k into the middle, in the dark!

The BB looks over at me in total shock, can't believe I did what I did....and the move took it's intended toll, he went into thinking mode even harder than he did when he made the pre-flop call.

I'm pretty positive this whole thing cost me cashing 1st or 2nd in the real money and don't want to make the same mistake again.

Any help would be appreciated and please be gentle on the this rookie.

I did work my stack back up to T30,000 but busted in 4th when my 99 lost to AA, same player as here by the way. </font>
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