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Old 06-01-2005, 05:30 AM
Orpheus Orpheus is offline
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Default Re: Party Screenname Change

Actually, that could be useful to me, if it means what it seems to. On one party skin, I cheaged to a nick that seem to be STRONGLY negatively affecting my EV. (i.e. I consistently win less on that nick than I do on another, even if I play them within minutes, and have near-identical playing stats on both. I've experimented, and the effect seems to holds up (neither nick is particularly memorable, but one is misinterpreted as lavbelling me neophyte, based on the remarks I get in chat. Neddles to say, I don't bother to explain what it really means.

HOWEVER: though you may be able to login using any of your old names, it WON'T change the screen name displayed at the Party tables table (in my experience) I never bothered to change L/P memorized by my client, but no matter which past (account) name I log in under, the tables show my current screen name. If logging in under my old nick doesn't put me in my old Nick, what would? (of course, this may only apply to your *original* nick/login/account name. That's why I specified "original" rather than "past" in my earlier response.

Try it -- and if the tables display your old nick, let me know.
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