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Old 05-31-2005, 04:06 AM
DoubleDown DoubleDown is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 97
Default Party Screenname Change

Is this possible? Is there a way to simply enter a new Username for table play or do you have to basically de-activate your current account and then set up a brand new one?

As an aside- I don't have any rakeback/affiliate(?) program or deal set up. I play mostly SSNLHE. Would it be a good idea to sign up for one when i open my new account? do i need to open a new account to sign up for it or can i simply start it up after i get a Party name change?

btw- not sure if this matters, but i use IGM-Pay to deposit into Party. might there be a problem if i close down my current party account and then try to open a new one and attempt to link up to the same old bank acct?

a Zoo search for the party name change info didn't yield anything useful. i realize that the rakeback ?'s can prob be answered via filtering thru some old posts as well, but hopefully ppl can comment on that issue as well.

any help/advice is much appreciated
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