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Old 05-30-2005, 11:29 PM
TheCroShow TheCroShow is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Victoria, BC Canada
Posts: 114
Default Re: Do I have a gambling problem?

thank you for that j10, hardly anyone has hit me with an honest answer, with the exception of a fellow 2+2er (private message) and you. my most recent losses? well, a trip to Las Vegas for my brother's wedding I would hardly call "a loss." Any vacation one might take will cost a lot of money, add to the fact that I'm still in school.

I am not a loose aggressive player, heck I may not even fit into the tight aggressive category, my friends jokingly refer to me as weak tight or as i like to say conservative wise. if someone bets into me i'll fold! it's that simple! haha i exercise discipline at the poker table and it's something i am proud of. i have the ability to change gears as they say in every poker book and every poker tv show, and that causes confusion with some of my opponents.

as for blackjack and slots, i was happy to lose my money. i was playing for entertainment value, i was not expecting to double my money but i had a lot of fun. my previous statement was probably misleading, and in my LV journal I made note of saying only play if you want to be entertained, I had some extra winnings and thought heck, I'm in Vegas I might as well try some different things. I have no regrets about trying some slots and blackjack.

my bankroll management may not be squeaky clean, but it has taken me a good distance. when i started playing poker it became a part time job. play once or twice a week, get a decent little payday for having fun then go home and pay the bills. i have no clear numbers, but would estimate i cleared around $2,000 from a combination of online poker and local games. not a lot of money at all, but it helped me with my bills and kept my poker game going.

for now i am going to keep working hard in school, take any shift i can get and keep grinding it out at the good ole micro limits. embarassing story, but i get a kick out of it. my bankroll started @ $5 (courtesy of Tiger Gaming hooking me up with free money! haha) So I turned..well absolutely nothing into some decent cash.

Thanks again for reading and responding. To get a better idea of who I am and where I want to go in life and in poker, here are a couple of links.

Cro's Vegas Journal

Poker Goals
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