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Old 05-30-2005, 08:04 PM
Joe826 Joe826 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 82
Default Re: Backgammon, Pascal, Sklanskyanity

As far as I understand, reasonability isn't a part of Pascal's wager, and you've made it a part of yours. Ok.

I'm still not sure I totally understand, though. You've said that in order for there to be a God, it MUST be the case that he would have us follow the Golden Rule, so we ought to follow the Golden Rule JUST IN CASE God actually exists, so we'll be saved or what have you.

You've done nothing to defend your basic premise regarding the Golden Rule, other then to say that most normal people would think that should be the case. That's not really a sound argument.

Additionally, if we're going to make wagers on what's reasonable, it seems that accepting one of the world's religions with at least some historical evidence (like we know Christ did exist, etc.) would be much more reasonable than simply believing that we should follow the Golden Rule and we'll be ok. We have no evidence for this, outside of what you think God should be.
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