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Old 05-30-2005, 04:44 AM
Kronon Kronon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Sweden
Posts: 79
Default Re: How many people think I should have gotten away from this hand?

I cant see any big flaws in your game, except preflop. AK is a raising hand, and this pot is no exception. Raise to about 1k to get some suited connectors and small pairs to fold.

When he cold-calls on flop I would be slightly worried, but he would probably do that with an weak ace as well. Still, a more careful way to play it would be to check behind him on turn and then call him down on river. That way, you might get him to bluff if he missed his draw. The drawback is ofcourse that he could outdraw you on river.

But if he has you beat, and you have top two-pair with no strong draws on board, its not really much you can do. If you play pots like this weak, you will definitely win less in the long run.
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