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Old 05-30-2005, 01:49 AM
Louie Landale Louie Landale is offline
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Default Re: All aboard! ......Calling stations

Lets not confuse "loose": calls a lot, with "maniac": bets a lot.

Weak-Loose folks are ideal. Play a few more hands, bet when you make something, bet the river, and take your chances. Yes, you'll look like a fool betting the other guy's hand somethimes, but the other times you get paid off more than make up for those times. Rarely call.

Loose Maniacs can be ideal. Play less hands and go to war when you make something. never bet so much that you "have" to fold if he raises one more time: when you make a hand then show it down.

Weak-Tight folks: Steal more often; stop betting when you get called unless you've got something real solid. Rarely call.

Tight-Aggressive: stay out of their way unless you've got a premium hand.

Don't underestimate the ability of "loose" folks to make hopeless calls; that's why they are called "loose". Don't underetimate the ability of the maniac to keep raising with a bad hand; that's why they are called "maniacs". Don't underestimate the quality of a weak-tight player's hand when he "just" calls: he's called weak tight because he doesn't call with bad hands but doesn't raise unless he's really got something.

- Louie
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