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Old 05-28-2005, 05:26 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: this legal?

Look, if the other player said something very clear to the likes of, "I would like to make a deal where the WINNER of the match transfers the LOSER $10.50, is this acceptable?" and the poster said yes, then sure an argument can be made that he legitimately owes the money

[/ QUOTE ]

I've made deals on Stars for more money then this that was not nearly as drawn-out as your example.

In my Stars shoot-out to win my seat the guy offered me a $1000 save to whoever loses. I had a big chip-lead and turned him down. It was a bad deal. That doesn't make it an angle-shoot though. He was offering a deal that is advantageous to him.
When I fell behind he offered me $2500 for the seat. I didn't say 'yeah, sure.'
But the way he offered it was 'let me have it for $2500??'
If I said 'yes' I believe it would have been binding even though 'let me have IT' does not necessarily refer to the seat. Maybe he wanted my penis for all I know.

But this guy probably was just offering a one-sided deal in hopes that occasionally he gets to hold the other guy to it.
Hence, the reason why many have stated that we need an official 'deal' slide-bar or button or pop-up or something like that implemented on Stars for certain situations.

When I play chess on the internet-chess club there are many situations where the player 'agrees' to a draw.
We don't just type in the chat-box, "Want to draw?"
The same situation could develop....I have a big lead and the other guy says "Want to draw?" and I say, "Yeah...I don't think I can win this" (even though it's obvious) and I'm held to that draw.

There are buttons there for 'offer draw'.
You hit the button and i get a pop-up that says, 'your opponent has offered a draw. do you accept?'
If you click yes it happens RIGHT-AWAY. If you make your next move then the draw has automatically been declined.
I can then offer him a draw on the very next move if I like but he doesn't have to accept it. Once I made my move to turn down his draw offer then that offer is DONE and we are on to the next one.

I do agree that holding players to their commitment in the chat-box is kind of sketchy...but those are the rules and you can't just try to argue, "But when I said Yes I obviously meant No." the whole system would be ruined.
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