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Old 05-28-2005, 10:17 AM
RydenStoompala RydenStoompala is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 261
Default The Power of Tilt

The concept of TILT has been beneath me until last week when I played a great hand against a bad player and I cannot recall a moment of the betting. I'm a person who can usually discuss details of a hand a year later with an opponent, so this was scary. The guy was a twitchy, crazy elderly guy who's chinese accent was so strong I could never understand what he was screaming at other players when he raked a pot. Suffice it to say he bugged the crap out of everyone and it worked. I finally isolate the little bastard and I played top pair into his set all the way to the river, capping like a donked rookie. I honest-to-God do not remember how I did it! I woke up to find three of my $2 chip stacks gone and the crazy guy cackling like he'd just robbed a bank. It was scary! Anyway...I discovered I am not tilt-proof. I took a walk, did some serious thinking and my game improved.

My thanks to Dr. Al for warning me about tilt even though I didn't listen. Also, I just finished the Psychology of Poker on the way into Vegas and worked all week at putting other players on hands and that worked wonders for my game as well. It was the biggest leak in my game and I have plugged it up. Endorsement over.
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