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Old 05-02-2003, 05:25 PM
rusty JEDI rusty JEDI is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: British Columbia, Canada
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Default feeling the CANADIAN blues

The Canadian dollar continues to climb against the US buck. This wouldnt be a problem except all of my online roll is in American dollars.

Here are the numbers if you chose to cashout on these dates.
January 2003 (4 months ago)
cashout $1000 US....get back $1610 Canadian

May 2003 (now)
cashout $1000 US...get back $1420 Canadian

This has dealt me a big blow. It is like paying a second rake. The big problem was that I am on student loans for school. (I dont use poker money for school because student loans are interest free) This is a problem because if i did cahsout in the school year and got a student loan audit. They would wonder where this big sum came from and why i didnt give back the student loan. So what i have to do is wait untilt he school year is out to make my cashouts. So my entire online bankroll has taken an 11% hit.

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