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Old 05-27-2005, 05:35 PM
Steve Giufre Steve Giufre is offline
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Default Re: 2 very welll known 2+2, I don\'t get it ? my 3 year old new your h

Yeah I agree your SB call is bad, but hell you cant put a dollar amount on taking that 67 and sticking it right up James's ass. Anyhow, this thread is kinda dumb. If I have a draw and need to get the river I would pay off a lot of the time agaist a tricky player too. It probably only seems so bad because these guys might think on a different level than you. Maybe that not true, I really have no idea, but there is a lot going on in spots like this and you didnt touch on any of it. Barron might think James will call the turn, but not the river with a lot of ace high hands. James might know Barron could be assuming this, and on and on. Also its tough for James to give Barron a 6 after he smooth calls from the sb, and Barron would likely three bet a medium pair. It would also be a strange, although interesting way to play 3 jacks. Maybe they are both thinking about completely different things, who knows, its all about thier past history and how those hands have played out. Anyhow I wouldnt be so quick to critisize.
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