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Old 05-27-2005, 03:21 PM
thabadguy thabadguy is offline
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Default Re: 5/10 NL Pot overbet

I don't see too much of a problem with this play if villain is an absolute donk, for one thing you can never put a donk on a range of hands. What if FF bets pot , donk calls, turn is a diamond? Are you putting donk on a flush at this point, considering he called 2 raises pf.
Betting pot and moving in on turn when no diamond comes is the obvious play, but what if turn is a diamond? Do you lay it down?
The other thing about donks is, they draw without odds, it just seems like they dont even know the concept of odds, so if you can flop the nut straight and get a massive overbet called by a donk,whose just on a flush draw..more power to ya.
Im the guy rooting for the overbetters as it is one of my most potent plays.
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