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Old 05-27-2005, 03:10 PM
woodguy woodguy is offline
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Default Re: Turned a set of Aces on a Semi-Scary Board, What Now?

If he's really a LAG I want him to come over the top of me because a big part of a LAGs game is FE.

Is he more likely to come over the top of a weak lead or a check?

I'm inclined to bet an amount that says "I don't have a hand, but I want this pot, but I have enough behind to fold if raised", as you are against a thinking players.

In this instance the pot is 216K and you have 158 behind and he has 141, and the BB=1200, so I probably bet 60K again hoping he comes over top.

This bet does give him 4.6-1 to call, but that's ok as if he is drawing to the straight then its not enough, and if he drawing to a flush he actually has 7 outs to draw to so he really needs 6.5-1 but doesn't know it yet.

I may check if he's really aggro and I can count on him to bet.

I don't push here as he only calls if he has a hand, and him calling the flop may be him waiting to put a move on the turn without a hand, or a semibluff.

Hmmmm.....with these stack sizes it may be wisest to check, as if he truly is a LAG he will know that this point will give him the most FE and he may push.

I think pushing is the least attractive of the options here.

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