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Old 05-27-2005, 10:40 AM
thejameser thejameser is offline
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Posts: 410
Default Re: Move from 3/6 to 6/12?

if you have a year of 3/6 under your belt and you have studied your game, you said you felt comfortable at 6/12 so do it. the main thing is you are generally against better players so the A9s that outkicked your opponents A4o won't happen. realize what you are up against and adjust strategy accordingly(not to say there are not weak players at 6/12, also, just not as many so you have to find ways to isolate them, get heads up and make $$). my next concern would be bankroll, you need to be able to absorb much bigger losses at 6/12. if it is big enough(200-300bb) or steadily replenishable it won't be an issue. don't they have a 4/8 you can go to?
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