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Old 05-26-2005, 04:14 PM
adsman adsman is offline
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Default Re: Following my Favourite Fish (off topic)

Wow, this thread went in some strange directions. Prostitution .... never would have picked that one.

One point needs to be cleared up. I don't feel bad at all about following him around. The last thing I want to do is play against strong players. The last time I did that was when I organised the "real game" micro table and dropped almost 50BB. Eek.
No, my point was, how do I stop him from catching on? Just after I posted this thread he timed out, (his connection is pretty bad, that's how well I know this guy), and 5 minutes later he left. 15 minutes later he's on another table with a 75BB buy in. I was itching, I was desperate, I was a junkie with my fix sitting staring me in the face.....

Should I have followed him that soon? This isn't a question of ethics, this is a question of losing my breadroll provider. I don't want to open a whole bunch of party skin accounts as they've just changed their rules and specified that this is naughty, and while I'm not one for following rules I don't feel like running the risk of being banned from party for the sake of this fish.

Poker just keeps getting more complicated it seems.
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