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Old 05-26-2005, 01:00 PM
adsman adsman is offline
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Default Following my Favourite Fish (off topic)

I have a favourite fish. He is a terrible player. No two ways about it. I always win money off him. I've been doing this for over a month. He plays every day at the same time, like clockwork. I log on, do a search, go straight to his table and proceed to benifit. He always rebuys 2 or 3 times.
What's the point of this post then, you may be asking. I'm starting to worry that this might be a form of harrasment. He doesn't seem to have clued on to the fact that I'm basicaly stalking him but should I back off a bit? Like look for him every second day? I mean, what if he changes his handle? (God forbid!!)
Just wondering if anyone else handles or would handle this differently.
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