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Old 05-25-2005, 02:52 PM
wdbaker wdbaker is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Denver, Co
Posts: 169
Default Re: looking for big hidden holes

I took a look at pokerstove for the first time and here's what I got which I found interesting, that is if I didn't mess it up.
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
4,620 games 0.010 secs 462,000 games/sec

Board: Ad 2h Kd As

equity (%) win (%) / tie (%)

Hand 1: 34.4156 % [ 00.30 00.04 ] { AA-TT, AKs-ATs, KQs-KTs, QJs-QTs, JTs, AKo-ATo, KQo-KTo, QJo-QTo, JTo }
Hand 2: 65.5844 % [ 00.62 00.04 ] { KsQd }
</pre><hr />

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>45,540 games 0.091 secs 500,439 games/sec

Board: Ad 2h Kd As

equity (%) win (%) / tie (%)

Hand 1: 12.0663 % [ 00.11 00.01 ] { random }
Hand 2: 87.9337 % [ 00.87 00.01 ] { KsQd }
</pre><hr />

Surprise, surpise??? based on this, with plyr2 having a random hand I'm 87.9337% to win

and if I give him the run of broadway cards, still 65.5844% to win.

Honestly I would have never guessed and figured I was doomed.

So does this testing mean that just because a higher pair is on the board that we shouldn't bail out, I must admit i feel a bit stupid over this one...

Anyone shed some light

One Steet at a Time
wdbaker Denver, Co
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