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Old 05-25-2005, 02:24 PM
deception5 deception5 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 59
Default Re: Second-guessing JJ

These hands look somewhat familiar as well (I don't remember hand 2, but it could have been me also).

In the first one, low paired boards often play interestingly after a preflop cap. No one believes anyone else has a pair or the 6. The pot is fairly large and if this is the hand I'm thinking of, utg(me) had something like AQs. Betting this flop would be automatic as it's certainly possible it didn't hit anyone. After sb raises, I give credit that they probably have a pocket pair. I raise to take one last shot at this 17sb pot (costs me 2sb to possibly win 18), planning to fold if bet into again. Also I hoped to knock out mp1 and buy position.

I checked behind on the turn and river as I didn't hit and I didn't think sb would fold often enough to make a bluff worthwhile (I would also not be surprised to be check/raised on the turn).

I think sb had something like 8's or 9's.

In summary I would not let go of JJ so quickly especially on a low paired board.
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