Thread: Nuclear option
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Old 05-23-2005, 03:01 PM
MtSmalls MtSmalls is offline
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Default Re: Nuclear option

No, you are wrong and you provide no support for your position in the rest of this post. The posters point was that the filibuster hadn't been used on judicial nominees. This IS the fact.

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Another right wing talking point that is completely erroneous. Republicans initiated a filibuster against a judicial nominee in 1968, forcing Democratic president Lyndon Johnson to withdraw the nomination of Associate Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas to be chief justice. Then-Sen. Robert Griffin (R-MI) recognized at the time that denying nominees a vote was already an established practice. "It is important to realize that it has not been unusual for the Senate to indicate its lack of approval for a nomination by just making sure that it never came to a vote on the merits. LINK

Which ones were denied? Which ones were given a vote on the Senate floor and denied? Do you see where you are wrong here? Owen (I believe) has been in this state of limbo for FIVE YEARS.

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Denied, as in either held in committee, or filibustered in previous congressional sessions. Hence Ms. Owens limbo like status....
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