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Old 05-22-2005, 10:40 PM
tomb1 tomb1 is offline
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Default Re: For the Poker Room.... BEER

And I can't wait for the flames on this one but I'll go out on a limb here:
Pabst Blue Ribbon is far and away the best of the piss-yellow beers. It actually has body and flavor, very surprising for a beer made with rice and corn (very little grain in it). The product consistency is also quite odd, seeing as PBR doesn't actually own a brewhouse, they just contract brew through AB, Coors, etc.

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Gotta agree that PBR is the best of the American lagers (OK, piss-beers if you will...). Used to be made right in Milwaukee -- the "new" PBR uses the same recipe and with good quality control. We bought a couple of cases of PBR long necks last summer on a trip to Wisconsin, and savored them like fine wine all winterlong. Nah, just kiddin about the savoring part. We tried to wait but drank the sh*t out of them as soon as we could.

Wifey-dear loves PBR, and you know what they say: "Beer is good for a guy... when your girl is drinking it!"
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